Asbestos Cement Roof Replacement

Do You Qualify For Tax Relief?

Asbestos Cement

For many years, asbestos cement was deemed a suitable material for Industrial and commercial premises.

However, the use of asbestos-based materials was banned in the UK in 1999 as a greater understanding of the health risks associated with asbestos were acknowledged.

Asbestos cement roof coverings are highly fragile and sadly still account for numerous fatalities and life-changing injuries sustained by inexperienced contractors involved in roof maintenance and gutter cleaning.

Close Up of Asbestos Roofing

Carbon Footprint

From 1st April 2018, commercial premises now fall under the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Regulations meaning owners of the least energy-efficient buildings in the UK will be unable to be let or renew a lease on their property.

The majority of asbestos cement roof coverings fall into this category.

Blenheim Roofing Services

have been replacing asbestos cement roofs since 1997, fully in accordance with Health & Safety requirements. In most cases, the roof can be replaced while the building remains occupied with little or no disruption to the everyday workings of the client.

A replacement roof provides a bright, well-lit working environment which is known to increase productivity, general welfare and reduce absence from the workplace.

Original Asbestos Roof Panels
Original asbestos roofing
asbestos roof removal and safety netting
Removal showing safety netting in place
The new replacement roof
The new replacement roof

Tax Relief

You may also qualify for substantial tax relief on replacing asbestos cement roofing.

To find out how much relief you could be entitled to, complete the form below to download our free factsheet.

Alternatively, call us on 01372 728866

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